
Messier 38 or M38, also known as NGC 1912 or Starfish Cluster,[4] is an open cluster of stars in the constellation of Auriga. It was discovered by Giovanni Batista Hodierna before 1654 and independently found by Le Gentil in 1749. Open cluster M36 and M37, also discovered by Hodierna, are often grouped together with M38.[5] Distance is about 1.066 kpc (3,480 ly) away from Earth.[2] The open cluster NGC 1907 lies nearby on the sky, but the two are most likely just experiencing a fly-by, having originated in different parts of the galaxy.[1]
The cluster's brightest stars form a pattern resembling the Greek letter Pi or, according to Webb, an "oblique cross". Walter Scott Houston described its appearance as follows:[6]
Location: Starry Night Ranch
Scope: Stellarvue 130
Camera: ZWO 2600 MM Pro, ZWO FW and HaLRGB filters
integration: 3 hrs
Capture Software: N.I.N.A
Combined and processed in Pixinsight
Taken: 3/6/22