planetary, solar systemJason MatterDecember 21, 20202020 conjunction, the great conjunction, 2020 great conjunction, jupiter, saturn, jupiter and saturn conjunction, christmas star, planetary imagingComment The Great 2020 Conjunction planetary, solar systemJason MatterDecember 21, 20202020 conjunction, the great conjunction, 2020 great conjunction, jupiter, saturn, jupiter and saturn conjunction, christmas star, planetary imagingComment
planetaryJason MatterNovember 26, 2019mercury transit, lunt, mercury, solar transit, solar imagingComment Mercury Transit 2019 planetaryJason MatterNovember 26, 2019mercury transit, lunt, mercury, solar transit, solar imagingComment
solar system, planetary, TutorialsJason MatterMarch 05, 2019moon, colors of the moon, fli, nikon, Stellarvue, colors of the moon tutorial, moon processingComment Colors of the Moon Tutorial solar system, planetary, TutorialsJason MatterMarch 05, 2019moon, colors of the moon, fli, nikon, Stellarvue, colors of the moon tutorial, moon processingComment
planetary, solar systemJason MatterJanuary 22, 2019lunar eclipse, super wolf moon eclipse, super moon eclipse, lunar eclipse video, Wolf moon eclipse, super wolf moon lunar eclipseComment Super Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse planetary, solar systemJason MatterJanuary 22, 2019lunar eclipse, super wolf moon eclipse, super moon eclipse, lunar eclipse video, Wolf moon eclipse, super wolf moon lunar eclipseComment
Astronomy Programs, planetaryJason MatterJuly 03, 2018Fire capture, PIPP, Registax, Winjupos, planetary programs, programs for planetary imaging, planetary imaging1 Comment Astrophotography Planetary Programs Planetary Programs for Planetary Imaging. Astronomy Programs, planetaryJason MatterJuly 03, 2018Fire capture, PIPP, Registax, Winjupos, planetary programs, programs for planetary imaging, planetary imaging1 Comment