The Great 2020 Conjunction

This year on 12/21/20 we have the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. The conjunction is an alignment of planetary bodies. Jupiter and Saturn have not been this close together for 800 years. The next alignment this close will be 2080 and the next one 320 years after.
This is a composite image of the 2 planets. Due to the brightness difference of the planets you cant image them at the same time without under exposing one and over exposing the other.
Here is a short video showing the days up to the Conjunction showing the planets getting closer to each other.
Location: TheAstrogazer Observatory
Scope: Celestron Edge 8”
Camera: ZWO 174mm with ZWO filter wheel and LRGB filters
FireCapture - Integration
Combined and processed in Atuostakkert, Registax & Winjupos
Taken 12/21/20