Pixinsight Scripts

Here are a list of useful scripts I found for Pixinsight.
To add scripts to Pixinsight you will go under the menu Resources>Updates>Manage Repositories. Once that’s open you will click ADD and enter the links to the repositories.
Once you enter the links Check for updates, install the updates and restart Pixinsight.
This script has some great macro routines for denoise, decon, live stack and more.
Script Hartmut Bornemann
Script SHO-AIP - Updated for 1.8 pixinsight
This scrip must be added under Script>Feature Scripts>ADD
Scripts Q-Digital Astrophotography
This scrip must be added under Script>Feature Scripts>ADD
Photometric Mosaic Script
This scrip must be added under Script>Feature Scripts>ADD
AutoIntegration Script
This script is a very useful tool for auto integration. It creates a seemless process to combine your LRGB or NB. You MUST have all your channels Stacked into master files and make sure your Filter channels Read a Singular capital letter L, R, G or B otherwise the script will fail.
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